Running this with a Wilson 1000 right now and built in SWR says a solid 1.0. Best option to me is the ability to tie the clarifier from the front of the radio, you can easily set it to do what you want! Don't get crazy with your mic gain on this, I have mine set a 5 and reports tell me it sounds the best right there, for me anyways. Menu adjustments are easily done with the help of the guide in the owners manual. Stock out of box power seems to be efficient, this radio will talk! Lots of cool gadgets on it, most of them are very useful. Other than those things that I can live with, this radio is a true performer! I have had excellent audio reports, both local and a distance away. Out of the box this thing workes great, been using it for a few days now and the only problem is noise rejection, it will pick up alot of noise in town amongst buildings and it does not have very good rejection for bleedover when somebody is on a channel close to you near the one your on. But the CRE 8900 has been a great radio and I'll run it till it stops working completely.After back and forth email with Vetdan, I decided to purchase this radio, having very bad luck with a Galaxy, I wanted something more stable. Once I get the fixes done on the President Lincoln II it will probably be my go-to radio (if the fixes do what they are supposed to do). I've had computers that cost $800 that only lasted 7 Some may say a radio should last for 20 years but for $300-400 I think 5-10 years is reasonable. If it lasts 3 years then the cost may break down to around $125 year for most buyers and that isn't bad for me as I use a radio every day for about 2 hours a day, however I would prefer a radio to last for 10 years. While I would have liked more AM swing for playing on the bowl, for SSB it was just awesome and I got great reports from CBer's and Ham radio operators as well. This is a pity because I really enjoyed this radio, more than just about any other radio I've tested in recent years. I think with being in the mobile in all seasons and especially the cold weather/temps that the computer just won't handle it long term.
I fully expect that at some point in the next year or two my CRE 8900 will end up in the trash.not because of the radio or it's internals but because of the software and the software circuit. I run my SSB wide open all the time anyway so not an issue but worth mentioning. The RF power works on AM but it doesn't really do anything on SSB until you turn it all the way down and if you do it does the weird receive thing. One other thing both Lil'Yeshua and I both noticed is if you turn the RF power all the way down on SSB it seems to cause a receive issue where the tone and freq change slightly.hard to describe. Also jumped on channel 6 for fun and with around 250 watts was making contacts on the bowl in the middle of the mess I was on the air today with it running into the Cobra XL 450 pushing 350 watts today and was making contacts left and right. I pulled the radio out, had it sitting on my desk for a week then came back to it today and now it's working perfectly normal again. I tried a reset but afterwards it still didn't work properly and I couldn't access the menu. On the current unit it did something similar but the FUNC button stopped working which meant I couldn't access any of the secondary functions. On the old radio I did 3-4 resets and then it went back to normal (although I lost my programming and had to re-program it). The software glitch was basically I turned on the unit and it starts jumping between 10 meters and 11 meters and the band selector doesn't work properly. Also one of the colors burned out on the V2 unit last week so I no longer have the light blue or green colors.

HOWEVER - on both my first unit and the current V2 unit I ran into some software glitches.

It can get warm, especially with the way I've tuned it but no parts failures or component problems yet. The radio size had been great, I've had mine mounted in the dash under my radio for the last year. I haven't had any problems with my road devil sounding scratchy. The resistor on the mic is to prevent the key up issue which was described in the other thread.

Loud, clear and it does a good job of noise cancelling.

I run my mike gain at 63 on the radio (max) and set up my road devil to run about 1/3 of the way up. If you turn down the AM deadkey to drive a amp the swing also drops off significantly. AM deadkey is 10 watts swinging to 22 watts. Thought I'd describe the issues I ran into here since it seems like all the CRE 8900 owners tuned in.įirst off, I've tuned up my CRE 8900 to do 45 watts peak. Pulled the President Lincoln II out to do the updates so I thought I'd giv ethe CRE 8900 another try to see if I could get it working.